Hokema B17 Kalimba in C major

Catalog: 11B17001440

Price: $149.00

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Kalimbas are instruments that originated in southern Africa, where they can be found in countless shapes and designs. The Kalimba B17 is carefully handcrafted in Germany from solid American cherry. The surfaces are treated and polished with vegetable oils and waxes. The 17 tongues are precisely tuned in the C major scale, allowing a variety of well-known songs to be played. The Kalimba B17 is just as suitable for chordal accompaniment of melodies or for improvisation and intuitive playing.

C major ( d''' - h'' - g'' - e'' - c'' - a' - f' - d' - c' - e' - g' - h' - d'' - f'' - a'' - c''' - e''' )

Model: 11B17001440
Manufacturer: Hokema