Wesley Ferreira
One of the prominent clarinetists of his generation, Wesley Ferreira has been praised by critics for his “beautiful tone” and “technical prowess” (The Clarinet Journal) as well as his “remarkable sensitivity” (CAML Review). Fanfare Magazine notes, Ferreira is “clearly a major talent.”
As a recital clarinetist, his performances continually engage audiences, provoking the artistic director of one recent concert series performance to remark that Ferreira “showcased a potent synthesis of serious musicianship, technical ferocity, and bravery of programming that was effectively tempered by a dynamic flair for showmanship. With this performance Ferreira proved not only is he an artist of some consequence, but also a consummate showman capable for presenting even the most challenging works with the ease and fluency of a world-class player.”
Ferreira leads an active and diverse career performing worldwide as soloist, orchestral and chamber musician, and as an engaging adjudicator and clinician. Equally at ease performing the masterworks as well as contemporary pieces. He has been featured soloist with numerous wind bands and orchestras in North America and Europe, and has been broadcast nationally on both Canadian and Australian Broadcasting Corporation's. Recent performances have taken him to Brazil, Canada, China, Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Spain, and Portugal. Upcoming engagements include performances in Poland and Russia.
Ferreira’s discography now totals six, including the 2013 East Coast Music Award winner - Classical Recording of the Year, for Beyond the Shore and the Ships with soprano Helen Pridmore (Centrediscs label). His debut solo album entitled Madison Avenue (Potenza label), was released in 2014 to critical acclaim and features the premiere recordings of noteworthy North American composers.
As a means of artistic growth and furthering scholarship, Ferreira demonstrates avid support for new music by frequently commissioning and premiering works. Of note, upcoming commissions include works by prominent Portuguese composers for a forthcoming album slated for release in 2016. This advances his doctoral research project of curating works that feature the clarinet and which include Portuguese folk elements. Indeed, Ferreira continues to champion Portuguese music in North America. He was awarded winner of the 2015 International Portuguese Music Awards in the Instrumental Category.
Born in Canada to parents of Portuguese heritage, he received his musical training at the University of Western Ontario (B.M) and Arizona State University (M.M and D.M.A) studying with Robert Riseling and Robert Spring, respectively. Following four years in the position of single-reeds instructor at Mount Allison University, he joined the music faculty at Colorado State University in 2011 where he maintains a thriving clarinet studio as Associate Professor.
Ferreira is a dedicated music educator and pedagogue. Passionate about teaching, he mentors students towards the achievement of their career goals, with emphasis placed on striving for professional and personal growth. His innovative teaching methods are acclaimed, including the development of the breath support training program for musicians, Air Revelation®.
Ferreira is frequently invited to give performances, workshops, and masterclasses at high schools, colleges and universities throughout North America. In addition, he has been invited to perform at national and international academic conferences including the International Clarinet Association’s annual ClarinetFest nine consecutive times (2009-2017). He is the co-founder and artistic director of the Lift Clarinet Academy, a summer music festival and training ground which attracts students from around the world.
Ferreira’s industry endorsements include positions on the performing artist rosters of Selmer Paris where he performs exclusively on the new Privilege clarinets, and with D’Addario, performing on the Reserve model mouthpiece and reeds.
Contact Information
Email: Wesley.Ferreira@colostate.edu
Website: http://www.wesleyferreira.com
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