Just Jams: A World of Rhythm
Catalog: 302312H
Price: $24.26
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Grades 2-6 So often world drumming resources are more about the world and less about the drumming. While those books definitely belong on your shelves (see "Planet Jams"- 30/2191H), sometimes we just want the music. That's where "Just Jams" comes in. Starting with fundamental rhythms from various countries and regions, Mark Burrows has built accessible jams that can be used to strengthen students' rhythm skills, in drum circles or in a choir concert or other performance. Included are meaningful speech parts for each jam, allowing for a teaching process of speech to body percussion to playing, as are suggestions for developing each jam into a performance piece. Diverse in its rhythms--including West African, Brazilian, Cuban, Gaelic, Hawai'ian, and Rock 'n' Roll rhythms, and even spoken word "slams" to Mother Goose rhymes--"Just Jams" is also diverse in instrumentation, featuring jams for the Orff instrumentarium, Boomwhackers®, drums, and other nonpitched percussion instruments.