Little Virtuoso - Piano Solo
Catalog: BA11569
Price: $17.96
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This new piano album by the acclaimed Czech pianist, teacher and composer Jakub Metelka (born 1986) contains 15 recital pieces – short, witty, characteristic compositions with flawless melodic, harmonic and pianistic workmanship. It allows little virtuosos not only to train their technical skills (from fairly easy to moderately difficult), but also to sharpen their grasp of the pieces’ moods and to stretch their musical imagination. Accompanying the edition are attractive illustrations by Andrea Tachezy.
The album provides an ideal complement to the composer’s internationally successful “Modern Piano Studies” (BA 11559).
- Labut na lede / Swan on Ice / Der Schwan auf dem Eis
- Hrbitov zvírátek / Pet Cemetery / Der Tierfriedhof
- Staré království / Ancient Kingdom / Das alte Königreich
- Klidný oceán / Calm Ocean / Ruhiger Ozean
- Dábluv valcík / Devil's Waltz / Teufelswalzer
- Papírové letadlo / Paper Aeroplane / Papierflugzeug
- Osamelý mlýn / Lonely Mill / Einsame Mühle
- Pochod kurátek / March of the Chicks / Kükenmarsch
- Malý slon / Little Elephant / Der kleine Elefant
- Deštová víla / Rain Fairy / Die Regenfee
- Starý námorník / Old Sailor / Der alte Matrose
- Snehová vlocka / Snowflake / Das Schneeflöckchen
- Plachetnice / Sailboat / Das Segelboot
- Skrivan / Lark / Die Lerche
- Krasojezdkyne / Beauty Riding / Die Kunstreiterin
Publisher: | Bärenreiter |
Composer/Author: | Metelka, Jakub |
Catalog Number: | BA11569 |