Guide to Effective Practicing
Catalog: 00296450
Price: $7.19
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Students are genuinely surprised when things go wrong in a lesson. They don't realize that they only half-listen while practicing. When they do notice a problem, they simply play the passage over and over (cementing in the mistakes) and hope for the best. That's what most students call practicing. The Piano Student's Guide to Effective Practicing shows the student how to save time and build good practice habits. It helps the student solve specific problems with 58 concise practice tips - clearly-explained drills and tactics for mastering challenging passages. Printed on heavy-coated stock for durability, the Guide is designed to be kept on the music desk for quick reference by the student when problems occur in daily practice. Practice tips are categorized to address issues of accuracy, balance, clarity, continuity, coordination, comfort, evenness, expression, fingering, rhythm and speed. The tips work for students at all stages and ages, including adults!