Sound Patterns for Changing Voices - Teacher Edition

Catalog: 00360733

Price: $71.99

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For Tenor and Baritone changing voices, Sound Patterns for Changing Voices teaches sight reading skills quickly while singing real music from day one. This step-by-step method includes age and range appropriate songs with lyrics, dynamics and accompaniment, along with preparatory exercises that are interesting, authentic and flexible. This resource may be used with changing voice beginners from approximately age 11 through 15 and for older singers with less singing experience. The sequential approach focuses on the keys C, G, and F, basic rhythms and simple intervals in the tonic, dominant and subdominant chords. Teacher Edition comes complete with teaching suggestions and online digital access to student notation and audio files.

Sample Pages
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Composer/Author: Crocker, Emily
Catalog Number: 00360733
Pages: 84
