Brockes Passion, HWV 48 - Vocal Score

Catalog: BA11311-90

Price: $26.96

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Handel composed his only oratorio in German between 1716 and 1717 basing it on the then popular Passion text by Barthold Heinrich Brockes entitled “Der für die Sünde der Welt gemarterte und sterbende Jesus” (“The Story of Jesus, Suffering and Dying for the Sins of the World”). Handel’s affinity to opera is evident in the musical realisation of the emphatic text as he creates a synthesis between traditional Protestant church music and the depiction of human passion in the manner of opera seria.

This edition is based on the corresponding volume of the “Halle Handel Edition” (BA 4021). The full score, parts and vocal score have been newly engraved. The piano reduction has been simplified and brought up to today’s standards, thus making it much more manageable to play.

Publisher: Bärenreiter
Composer/Author: Handel, G. F.
Catalog Number: BA11311-90
Pages: 245
