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Augsburg Organ Library Series 2 - Lent
Catalog: 9781506448107
Price: $45.00
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Augsburg Organ Library: Lent, Series II, contains 43 pieces for worship or recitals based on Lent hymn tunes. The Augsburg Organ Library is a highly acclaimed multi-volume series that reflects the twentieth century renewal of the organ and its music.
Table of Contents:
- A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth (Biery)
- Out of the Depths I Cry to You (Harbach)
- Restore in Us, O God (Langlois)
- Christ Is the Life (Portman)
- How Shall I Sing That Majesty (Portman)
- When Twilight Comes (Kerr)
- In Deepest Night (Gehring)
- Oh, Love, How Deep (Willan)
- Through the Night of Doubt and Sorrow (Powell)
- The Glory of These Forty Days (Albrecht)
- The Glory of These Forty Days (Cassler)
- Sing, My tongue (Stover)
- Go to Dark Gethsemane (Langlois)
- O Sacred Head, Now Wounded (Lovinfosse)
- Ah, Holy Jesus (Miller)
- As the Deer Runs to the River (Biery)
- As the Deer Runs to the River (Uehlein)
- At the Name of Jesus (Biery)
- On a Barren Hilltop (Biery)
- Bless Now, O God the Journey (Pelz)
- Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley (Wood)
- My Song Is Love Unknown (Beiry)
- My Song Is Love Unknown (Culli)
- As the Sun with Longer Journey (Biery)
- Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross (Powell)
- Lamb of God, Pure and Sinless (Christiansen, arr. Cassler)
- Eternal Lord of Love, Behold Your Church (Held)
- As Your Spirit in the Desert (Weber)
- Seed That in Earth Is Dying (Gehring)
- Lamb of God Most Holy (Biery)
- Be Thou My Vision (Lasky)
- When We Are Tested (Lasky)
- Beneath the Cross of Jesus (Cherwien)
- They Crucified My Lord (Harbach)
- Ride On, Ride On in Majesty! (Powell)
- All Things of Dust to Dust Return (Near)
- I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (Near)
- Tree of Life and Awesome Mystery (Portman)
- When Israel Was in Egypt's Land (Billingham)
- Where Charity and Love Prevail (Hobby)
- All Glory, Laud and Honor (Lasky)
- Jesus Is a Rock in a Weary Land (Nelson)
- When Jesus Wept (Peters)
- What Wondrous Love Is This (Johnson)
- What Wondrous Love Is This (Thomas)
Publisher: | Augsburg |
Composer/Author: | various |
Catalog Number: | 9781506448107 |
Pages: | 150 |