Bach Classic Series Trumpet Mouthpiece

Vincent Bach was a rare combination of artist and engineer. He constantly changed his mouthpieces in search of the perfect design. It wasn't until the mid 1960's that he stopped and finally settled on more standardized design. It was around this time that the formalization of the 27 throat and backbore to cup letter (A=24, B=7, C= 10, etc.) created a standard for mouthpiece making that is still used today. These standards are now known as the Classic Series.

Model No.Depth of CupApprox. Cup Dia.Rim ShapeDescription
1CMedium17.00mmMedium wideLarge diameter, medium cup - good for all-around use
1CWMedium17.00mmSlightly wider, gradually lowered to outsideSlightly wider, gradually lowered to outside
1-1/2CMedium17.00mmMedium wide, not too sharp.Large diameter, medium cup - good for all-around use.
3CMedium16.30mmMedium wideFairly large cup, good for all-around use.
3CWMedium16.30mmSlightly wider, lowered to outsideSame as No. 3C with wider cushion style rim.
3DMedium shallow16.30mmMedium wideFairly large, medium shallow cup produces a more brilliant tone. Facilitates high register.
5BMedium deep16.25mmMedium wide, lowered toward the outside. Medium sharp edge. A precise rim and a fairly large cup. The tone is vivid and full.
5CMedium16.25mmMedium wide, well rounded toward the inside and outside, fairly flat.For players with a strong embouchure who do not like a sharp edge. The tone is lively and rich.
6CMedium16.20mmMedium wide, not too sharp, rather flatA distinctive C trumpet cup. Its clear tone cuts through the largest bands and orchestras.
7Deep16.20mmMedium wide, lowered toward the outside. Medium sharp inside edgeThis popular model produces a colorful, liquid tone which is uniform over the entire scale. Desirable for all-around work.
7BMedium Deep16.20mmMedium wide, lowered toward the outside. Medium sharp inside edgeSlightly livelier timbre than No. 7, full in the low and middle registers, responds easily on high tones. Warm, rich sound. Well suited for all-around use.
7CMedium16.20mmMedium wide, lowered toward the outside. Medium sharp inside. Well-rounded edge with a perfect gripProbably the most widely used model in the world. Its brilliant tone is preferred by school musicians and by artists.
7CWMedium16.20mmSlightly wider, gradually lowered toward the outsideThe same as No. 7C with a comfortable cushion rim contour. Very practical for strenuous work and players with large lips.
7DMedium shallow16.20mmMedium wide, lowered toward the outside. Similar to No. 7CA shallower cup than No. 7C, designed principally for D trumpet, but used successfully where great brilliance and easy high register are required.
8BMedium Deep16.20mmFairly wide with slightly flatter surface than No. 7B. Rounded inner edgeThe same cup as No. 7B with a rim that players with protruding teeth find more comfortable. Darker sound than No. 8.
8CMedium16.20mmFairly wide with slightly flatter surface than No. 7C. Rounded inner edgeThe same cup as No. 7C with a rim that players with protruding teeth find more comfortable.
8-1/2CMedium Wide16.10mmMedium wide, lowered toward the outside. Medium sharp edgeMedium C cup provides flexibility and easy response. Well rounded. Clear, brilliant tone throughout the register.
8-3/4Deep16.10mmMedium wide, not too sharpProduces a tone of great volume and Teutonic character. Very effective in symphonic work and opera.
10CMedium16.00mmFairly wide with rather broad, flat surfaceSame rim as No. 10, but with a medium C cup. Especially designed for high notes and sparkling brilliancy.
10-1/2CMedium15.90mmMedium wideFine high register, resonating low register. Particularly useful to players without a strong embouchure. Ideal for C trumpet.

Model: 351XX
Manufacturer: Bach


Price: $65.00


Price: $65.00


Price: $65.00


Price: $65.00


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Price: $65.00


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