Oboe Reed Book, The

Catalog: ALBORADA01

Price: $34.50

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The Oboe Reed Book: A Stright-talking Guide to Making and Understanding Oboe Reeds by Jay Light. Spiral bound.

Table of Contents:
  • 1. Some Philosophy
  • 2. A Whole Lot of Useful Information about Tools, Cane and other Supplies
  • 3. Knife Sharpening
  • 4. Tying the Blank
  • 5. Knife Technique
  • 6. The Scrape
  • 7. Shaping Your Own Cane, When and How
  • 8. Some Thoughts about English Horn Reeds
  • 9. Trouble-Shooting Chart and List of Dealers and Suppliers
Publisher: Alborada
Composer/Author: Light, Jay
Arranger/Editor: Micich, Paul
Catalog Number: ALBORADA01

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