Mass in D major, Op. 86 - Organ Vocal Score

Catalog: BA7511

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Mass in D major, Op. 86

Arranged for Soloists, Choir and Organ

Antonin Dvorak’s D major Mass differs markedly from his other large choral compositions. Written for a private occasion, this work of some half-hour’s duration is remarkable for the fascinating simplicity of its harmonic language and compositional workmanship. Its resultant moderate difficulty – and the possibility of using chorus members or a small subgroup for the solo parts in alternation with the full chorus – make Dvorak’s organ version a challenge that many church choirs will be able to master.

  • Organ version by the composer
  • Supportive, clearly written, easy-to-play organ part
  • Choral writing of manageable difficulty
  • Solo parts can be taken by chorus members
  • Text in Latin with commentary in German and English

Edited by Jarmil Burghauser and Antonin Cubr. With a foreword by Christoph Heimbucher.

Sample Pages
Publisher: Bärenreiter
Composer/Author: Dvorak, Antonin
Arranger/Editor: Burghauser / Cubr
Catalog Number: BA7511
Pages: 62
