Choirmaster's Burial - Choral Score

Catalog: BA7413

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The Choirmaster's Burial

For Mixed choir (SSATBB)

This piece uses word painting to re-tell Thomas Hardy’s classic poem about an old tenor and the death of his choirmaster. The men and women are divided into two choirs; the men represent the old tenor telling the story and the women represent an angelic chorus singing the antiphon “In Paradisium” from the Requiem Mass.

“My music is my own and I have never tried to be original. That has always been my motto and I have only tried to use music to express all the feelings which life has to offer. This has led people to describe my music as 'so sad that it sounds like birds who have lost their wings' but also as 'the happiest classical music that we have ever heard.' My compositions are almost all sacred. They express not only my own faith but also my appreciation and respect for the timeless texts that have been used for centuries and centuries.”

Marten Jansson (b. 1965), elected member of the Foreningen svenska tonsattare (the Society of Swedish Composers), graduated from the Royal College of Music, Stockholm (KHM) with an MFA degree in Music Education, Dalcroze Eurhythmics and Voice. For more than ten years he was the music director and conductor of “Carmen”, one of the most prominent womens’ vocal ensembles in Sweden. He currently teaches choral conducting and music theory as well as giving vocal tuition at the Bolandgymnasiet and Musikskolan in his home town of Uppsala.

Choral score. Text in English.

Minimum order quantity of 10 copies. Please call for details.

Publisher: Bärenreiter
Composer/Author: Jansson, Marten
Catalog Number: BA7413
Pages: 16
