Chantworks Set 2 - Organ

Catalog: AE43

Price: $11.70

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Organ music for the Church Year based upon Gregorian Chant melodies. Set II - Lent, Passiontide, Easter

Table of Contents:
  • VEXILLA REGIS PRODEUNT (The royal banners forward go)
  • PANGE LUNGUE GLORIOSI (Sing my tongue the glorious battle)
  • LUSTRIS SEX QUI JAM PERACTIS (Thirty years among us dwelling)
  • JAM, CHRISTE, SOL JUSTITAE (Now, Christ, Thou Sun of righteousness)
  • EX MORE, DOCTI MYSTICO (The fast, as taught by holy lore)
  • AURORA LUCIS RUTILAT (Light's glittering morn bedecks the sky)
  • AUDI, BENIGNE CONDITOR (O Maker of the world, give ear)
  • AD COENAM AGNI PROVIDI (The Lamb's high banquet we await)
Publisher: Aureole
Composer/Author: Near, Gerald
Catalog Number: AE43
Pages: 24
