Chantworks Set 3 - Organ

Catalog: AE44

Price: $16.20

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Organ music for the Church Year based upon Gregorian Chant melodies. Set III includes chants for Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity, Corpus Christi, Morning & Evening

Table of Contents:
  • VERBUM SUPERNUM PRODIENS (The heavenly Word proceeding forth)
  • VENI SANCTE SPIRITUS (Come, thou Holy Spirit, come)
  • VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS (Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire)
  • O LUX, BEATA TRINITAS (O Trinity of blessed light)
  • LUCIS CREATOR OPTIME (O blest Creator of the light)
  • JAM LUCIS ORTO SIDERE (Now that the daylight fills the sky)
  • HYMNUM CANAMUS GLORIA (Sing we triumphant hymns of praise)
  • ADESTO, SANCTA TRINITAS (Be present, Holy Trinity)
Publisher: Aureole
Composer/Author: Near, Gerald
Catalog Number: AE44
Pages: 31
