Organ Works, Volume 11

Catalog: BA5243

Price: $46.76

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This performing Urtext edition contains "free" organ pieces (i.e. not based on a chorale) and chorale partitas from various source traditions. Owing to doubts about their authenticity , they did not appear in the New Bach Edition until the end of 2003 (NBA IV/11). Today, however, scholars view Bach’s authorship of these pieces either as certain (e.g. the valuable Fantasy in C minor, BWV 1121) or at least worthy of serious consideration.

Sample Pages
Table of Contents:
  • Partita "Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein" BWV Anh. 78
  • Partita "Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn" BWV Anh. 77
  • Partita "O Vater, allmächtiger Gott" BWV 758
  • Fuge Fis-Dur BWV Anh. 97
  • in der Fassung des Mylauer Tabulaturbuchs
  • Fuge C-Dur BWV Anh. 90
  • in der Bach zugeschriebenen Fassung
  • Fuge C-Dur BWV Anh. 90
  • Fuge F-Dur BWV Anh. 42
  • Fantasie c-Moll BWV 1121 früher Anh. 205
  • Pedal-Exercitium BWV 598
  • Kleines harmonisches Labyrinth BWV 591
  • Fuge G-Dur BWV 577
  • Fantasie G-Dur BWV 571
  • Fantasie und Fuge a-Moll BWV 561
  • Präludium, Trio und Fuge B-Dur BWV 545b
  • Fuge g-Moll BWV 131a
Publisher: Bärenreiter
Composer/Author: Bach, J. S.
Catalog Number: BA5243
