Scherzo from Fantasy Pieces, Op. 6, No. 3 - Piano

Catalog: TGM00018

Price: $8.09

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This “Scherzo” is the third and final of the Fantasy-Pieces, Op. 6, preceded in the set by the opening “Barcarolle” and then the “Nocturne”. Griffes included epigraphs to all three pieces: the first by William Sharp, the second by Paul Verlaine, and the anonymous text found above the “Scherzo”. Griffes skillfully evokes an atmosphere of ‘unearthly revelry’ throughout the piece, a vivid scene of spirits dancing and cavorting together.

The remarks found on the following pages (“Practice & Performance”) are designed to anticipate and assist with various technical and interpretive challenges that may be encountered. These suggestions are merely a starting point, meant both to propose specific frameworks for exploration as well as to spur the pianist’s own creativity in approaching matters of dynamics, touch, rhythm, pedaling, and expression. While these comments aim for accessibility in their use of technical language and the concepts under discussion, they also strive to fuel the imaginations and enhance the practice regimens of more advanced pianists.

Composer/Author: Griffes, Charles
Arranger/Editor: Mitchell, Evan
Catalog Number: TGM00018
