Pura Vida - Piano Teaching Piece

Catalog: EP20175

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There are times when an adventure changes your life. It might be the bond of a new friendship or a “once-in-a-lifetime” experience. Perhaps it is the awakening of your senses or an unexpected encounter with a curious creature. There may even be an element of sacred or spiritual realization.

My journey to Costa Rica was all of these things and more. Costa Rica, the land of Pura Vida (pure life), offers the gifts of deep ocean, mysterious jungles and starlit skies. I am deeply grateful to share this journey with you through the power of musical imagination!

NFMC 2024-2028:

Pink Island (Moderately Difficult II)

Starlight Stories (Moderately Difficult III)

Table of Contents:
  • Howlers in the Wind
  • Pink Island
  • Zipline!
  • Rhythms of the Jungle
  • Starlight Stories
Publisher: CCC Music Co.
Composer/Author: Rossi, Wynn-Anne
Catalog Number: EP20175
Pages: 20
