Insurgence - Concert Band

Catalog: 00-50878

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In a world where food is rationed based on wealth and status, people experiencing poverty have formed a task force to gain equality. Insurgence, by Rossano Galante, begins with a driving, rhythmic ostinato in the winds, low brass, and percussion. Soaring, aggressive horn lines take the lead in this post-apocalyptic setting. This theme is passed to the trumpets, then the winds, heralding their presence in this work. The piece transitions to a slightly lyrical section, capturing the pain and struggle these humans must endure during these challenging times. The piece recapitulates the main theme with the full ensemble, bringing this composition to a thunderous conclusion. (3:30)

Sample Pages Audio Sample
Publisher: Alfred
Composer/Author: Galante, Rossano
Catalog Number: 00-50878
