Ring Leader DVD #4 - Spiritual Songs

Catalog: RL104

Price: $29.99

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The quickest and easiest performance tool for beginning hand bell ringers. Uses DVDots, a system of musical accompaniment with color-coded cues. For use with any KidsPlay Bells.

The RingLeader DVD series features DVDots, the world's quickest and easiest performance tool for handbell ringers. DVDots is a patent pending system consisting of musical accompaniment and automatic color coded cues all rolled into one DVD. The melody is performed by a solo instrument in the fully orchestrated accompaniment while DVDots provide bell chords to complete the performance. Instant success makes bells fun from the very first ring. Simply press play, sit back and enjoy a perfect performance every time. DVDots are preprogrammed with the perfect amount of delay (accurate to 1/30th of a second) allowing ringers time to react after seeing their color. Each DVDot appears in the same place every time, giving bell ringers a defined area of focus.

Table of Contents:
  • Amazing Grace
  • This Little Light
  • Jesus Loves Me
Publisher: Rhythm Band
Catalog Number: RL104

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