Basic Beat 8 Step Bells with Mallets

Catalog: BB108B

Price: $42.95

Expected to Ship in 1-3 Weeks

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Let young children see the relationship between notes, with an 8-Note Diatonic Step Bell Set. This bell set uses a range from C above middle C, up eight notes to the next C to allow children to hear and see the change of notes as they move up the steps. To make the set child-friendly, Basic Beat attached the bells with metal pins that are not removable and are covered in rubber. Two mallets are also included with the step bell.

Measurements: Approximately 4.75" Wide (at the widest end) x 14.5" Long. Highest End of the Stepladder is Approximately 7.5" Tall. Bars: 1.25" wide each.

Model: BB108B
Manufacturer: WestCo