Sonatina Humoresque - Piano

Catalog: 00296772

Price: $8.09

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Sure to become a classic, this modern sonatina is masterfully composed in three contrasting movements. The first movement is reminiscent of Kabalevsky's witty style; the second movement is an expressive Pastorale and the last movement is a lively Scherzo. An excellent pedagogical choice for students wanting to improve their technique, the pianistic writing reflects both the composer's expertise in composition and pedagogy.

National Federation Contest List Difficult I Level (III. Scherzo).

Table of Contents:
  • III. Scherzo
  • II. Pastorale
  • I. Preambulum
Sample Pages
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Composer/Author: Tsitsaros, Christos
Catalog Number: 00296772
Pages: 16
