Piano Works of Rachmaninoff, Volume 2: Etudes-Tableaux, Opp. 33 and 39

Catalog: EL03494

Price: $9.86

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From an earlier Belwin Mills edition, this is Volume 2 of a series of the piano works of the great Russian-American composer. These compositions were written as "picture pieces", though Rachmaninoff did not reveal what each piece was to suggest, preferring to leave that discovery to the pianist. This book contains the complete Opus 33 and Opus 39 works. Federation Festivals 2011-2013 selection.

National Federation Contest List 2011 - 2013 Musically Advanced Class I (Etude Tableau Op. 39 No. 8)

Sample Pages
Publisher: Alfred
Composer/Author: Rachmaninoff, Sergei
Catalog Number: EL03494
Pages: 96
