200 Etudes Nouvelles, Volume 1 - Horn

Catalog: AL16857

Price: $31.49

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Composed by Maxime Alphonse (Jean Marie Maximin Francois Alphonse, known as Griet, 1880-1930), Deux cent etudes nouvelles, 1ere cahier is the first book of a set of six, containing 200 etudes in total for horn with different levels of difficulty.

As a horn teacher who had also won the Premier Prix in Horn at the Paris Conservatoire, Alphonse Maxime wrote this set progressively to ensure that the content matched the need for quality studies, starting with pieces for beginners, and evolving through the books to those for advanced students. This set of six books is essential for playing contemporary horn and is widely used in the USA and in Italy.

Sample Pages
Publisher: Alphonse Leduc
Composer/Author: Maxime-Alphonse
Catalog Number: AL16857
Pages: 28

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