Overtures and Preludes - Full Score

Catalog: 292010

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These well-known masterworks have been specially compiled for this unique edition from authoritative German editions, complete and unabridged.

Table of Contents:
  • 1. Overture to Rienzi
  • 2. Overture to Der Fliegende Hollander
  • 3. Overture to Tannhauser
  • 4. Prelude to Lohengrin, Act 1
  • 5. Prelude to Lohengrin, Act 3
  • 6. Prelude and Liebestod from Tristan und Isolde
  • 7. Overture to Die Meistersinger
  • 8. Prelude to Parsifal
Publisher: Dover
Composer/Author: Wagner, Richard
Catalog Number: 292010
Pages: 288
