Introduction et variations sur une ronde populaire - Sax Quartet SATB

Catalog: AL19728

Price: $26.99

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This quartet for saxophones, entitled Introduction and Variations on a Popular Rondo by Gabriel Pierné, is a standard in the saxophone quartet repertoire. Composed in 1934 and dedicated to the Marcel Mule Quartet, this piece for advanced players is as bright and cheerful as a round dance should be, and yet, quite delicate and light in terms of writing. With many ornaments and variations, Introduction and Variations begins slowly but is interrupted twice by the rondo. Gabriel Pierné (1863-1937) won the Prix de Rome in 1882. The composer wrote many chamber compositions, piano pieces, symphonic music and some oratorios.

Publisher: Alphonse Leduc
Composer/Author: Pierne, Gabriel
Catalog Number: AL19728
