Things Lived and Dreamt, Op. 30 - Piano

Catalog: BA9561

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The cycle “Zivotem a snem” (Things Lived and Dreamt) by Josef Suk (1874–1935) is his magnum opus for the piano and has been called the “diary of an artist”. Although Suk’s musical language never exceeds the bounds of tonality, his wealth of resources, the flexible harmony, chords of stacked thirds and meticulous performance instructions were new to the Bohemia of his day.

The autograph contains many cuts, overwritings and barely decipherable passages, yet it is carefully prepared and largely identical to the first edition of 1909. This first scholarly-critical edition takes all source variants into account for the first time.

  • Magnum opus of Suk’s piano music
  • First ever scholarly-critical edition
  • Foreword (Cz/Eng/Ger) and Critical Commentary (Eng)by the editor

Sample Pages
Publisher: Bärenreiter
Composer/Author: Suk, Josef
Arranger/Editor: Gabrielova, Jarmila
Catalog Number: BA9561
Pages: 54
