La Resurrezione - Vocal Score

Catalog: BA4096-90

Price: $40.50

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The Italian oratorio "La Resurrezione" (The Resurrection) was written during Handel’s time in Rome. It was performed on Easter Sunday 1708 with great splendour and extravagance by a large orchestra conducted by Arcangelo Corelli in the Palazzo Bonelli, the Roman palazzo of Handel’s patron the Marchese Francesco Maria Ruspoli.

In its dramatic structure and characterisation of the protagonists, the work displays a striking affinity with Italian opera. Lucifer’s raging sixty fourth notes call to mind the demon characters in Venetian opera and Maddalena’s arias are so full of expressive power and virtuosity that Handel later incorporated one of them into his opera "Agrippina". The unusual musical richness of this work and the virtuosic and masterly shaping of the arias make it a welcome addition to any concert programme.

The edition is based on the complete edition volume of the "Halle Handel Edition" (BA 4096), making the complete music text of the oratorio available for the first time.

  • Scholarly-critical edition based on the Urtext of the "Halle Handel Edition"
  • Straight forward, clear piano reduction
  • Foreword (Ger/Eng)

Sample Pages
Publisher: Bärenreiter
Composer/Author: Handel, G. F.
Arranger/Editor: Kohs, Andreas
Catalog Number: BA4096-90
Pages: 127
