Marriage of Figaro, K. 492 - Study Score

Catalog: TP320

Price: $58.38

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This study score is based on Ludwig Finscher’s 1973 edition of ‘Le nozze di Figaro’ published in the ‘New Mozart Edition’ and the critical commentary by Ulrich Leisinger published in 2007.

Many of the sources for Mozart’s first opera from the Lorenzo Da Ponte trilogy only became available to scholars again after the ‘New Mozart Edition’ volume was published. These include the autograph scores of acts 3 and 4, now held at the Biblioteka Jagiello ka in Krakow, significant portions of the original sets of parts and acts 2 to 4 of the conductor’s copy from the first performance of 1786.

These original sources, now available again, offer compelling solutions to several previously unresolved questions, and are reproduced in this study score.

  • Edition based on the Urtext of the ‘New Mozart Edition’ reflecting the latest musicological research
  • With findings from original sources now available again
  • Detailed foreword (Ger/Eng)

Librettist: Da Ponte, Lorenzo

Sample Pages
Publisher: Bärenreiter
Composer/Author: Mozart, W. A.
Arranger/Editor: Finscher, Ludwig
Catalog Number: TP320
Pages: 709
