Selected Intermediate to Early Advanced Piano Sonata Movements

Catalog: 00-4884

Price: $9.86

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Musicians have long treasured the Mozart sonatas for their symmetry and perfection. This volume presents single movements as well as complete sonatas (K. 282, 283, 545 and 570) for study by the advancing pianist. The sonatas provide ample opportunity for developing control, technical facility, a singing style, and balance and voicing. The preface gives Dr. Hinson's helpful suggestions on pedaling, ornamentation, articulation and dynamics, as well as a suggested order of study. Careful editing allows the teacher and student to make informed choices in interpreting these masterpieces.

Sample Pages
Publisher: Alfred
Composer/Author: Mozart, W. A.
Arranger/Editor: Hinson, Maurice
Catalog Number: 00-4884
Pages: 96
