Chroma-Notes Stick Ons Diatonic & Chromatic

Catalog: CNS1

Price: $11.25

Expected to Ship in 1-3 Weeks

This item is not in stock. You may order it in any quantity and we will send it as soon as it arrives from the publisher or manufacturer. Backorders average 1-3 weeks, but may take longer for imports, items from small companies, and temporarily unavailable items.

Chroma-notes stick-ons are removable and reusable.  They leave no residue and do not affect the sound of the instrument.  These handy stick-ons allow teachers and students to adhere Chroma-notes colors to keyboards, Orff Instruments, melodicas, xylophones, etc...  Package includes 300 diatonic stickers with letters, 300 diatonic stickers without letters, 75 chromatic with sharp/flat spelling, 24 chromatic without sharp/flat spelling.

Model: CNS1
Manufacturer: Whacky Music