Arnold Jacobs: Song and Wind - Text

Catalog: SAW

Price: $26.96

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With a career spanning seven decades with the Indianapolis, Pittsburgh and Chicago Symphonies, Arnold Jacobs has earned a reputation as a world-class performer. Equally significant are his teachings. During his career, thousands of students have passed through his studio.

Arnold Jacobs: Song and Wind is written by Mr. Jacobs’ assistant, Brian Frederiksen, and edited by John Taylor. With a length of 296 pages, material comes from masterclasses, private interviews, previously published writings and contributions from his students and colleagues.

Subjects include: The Performer: Early Years, Curtis Institute, Indianapolis Symphony, Pittsburgh Symphony, Chicago Symphony, Conductors, Other Performances, York Tuba The Teacher: Physical Elements, Mental Elements, Performance, Instruments, The Jacobs Studio Discography, Full Documentation, and more.

Publisher: Windsong
Composer/Author: Frederiksen, Brian
Arranger/Editor: Taylor, John
Catalog Number: SAW
