Sassmannshaus Tradition: Early String Ensemble Playing - String Trio

Catalog: BA10688

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The Sassmannshaus “Early Start” string methods cultivate playing together as early as possible, initially in duets. However playing in larger mixed ensembles is also encouraged and this tried-and-trusted edition for strings provides the perfect start for this. The first songs can all be performed in canon; each piece is notated in violin, viola and bass clef so that all three string instruments can play together in any number and combination. The collection then continues with through-composed pieces by such composers as Johann Valentin Rathgeber and Johann Joseph Fux. Here the middle part may optionally be performed by a viola or second violin.

Table of Contents:
  • Canons
  • Come See the Clown
  • Up the Ladder
  • All Four Voices
  • Are You Sleeping
  • Evening Silence
  • Do You Hear
  • Good Luck
  • Wake Up
  • Heaven and Earth
  • Viva la musica
  • Peter's Birthday
  • Hear Happy Songs Ringing
  • Spring Comes Laughing
  • Come, Follow Me
  • Minuet (Torelli)
  • Minuet (Fux)
  • Minuet (Pez)
  • Rigaudon (Pez)
  • From the "Augsburger Tafelkonfekt" (Rathgeber)
  • March (C. P. E. Bach)
Publisher: Bärenreiter
Composer/Author: Various
Arranger/Editor: Sassmannshaus
Catalog Number: BA10688
