Modern Piano Studies - Piano Solo
Catalog: BA11559
Price: $17.06
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Are studies meant only for practicing? This album of 30 short pieces with original names and amusing illustrations by Andrea Tachezy proves that studies are in no way boring. The edition covers all the keys, with each study solving a specific technical problem while displaying its own character or even telling a little story. With their tuneful melodies and modern sound, these studies amount to miniature recital pieces! “When you play through all the studies, you will be able to find your way through all the major and minor keys and perfect your grasp of musical notation.” (Jakub Metelka)
- Malá tanecnice / Kleine Tänzerin / Petite Danseuse in C major
- Deravý okap / Undichte Dachrinne / Leaky Gutter in A minor
- Vesely skrítek / Fröhlicher Kobold / Jolly Gnome in G major
- Závod lucních kobylek / Wettrennen der Grashüpfer / Grasshopper Race in E minor
- Mlsná veverka / Naschhaftes Eichhörnchen / Sweet Tooth Squirrel in F major
- Pochod mravencích vojáku / Marsch der Ameisensoldaten / March of the Ant Soldiers in D major
- Pro Denisu a Ludvíka / Für Denisa und Ludvík / For Denisa and Ludvík in D minor
- Opile vosy / Betrunkene Wespen / Tipsy Wasps in B minor
- Domov, sladky domov / Trautes Heim, Glück allein / Home Sweet Home in B-flat major
- Tanec slepé mysky / Tanz der blinden Maus / Blind Mouse Dance in G minor
- St'astné stene / Glücklicher Welpe / Happy Puppy in A major
- Bourlivé more / Stürmische See / Stormy Sea in F-sharp minor
- Malé nokturno / Kleine Nocturne / Little Nocturne E-flat major
- Blecha v kozichu / Floh im Pelz / Flea in the Fur in C minor
- Moudry velbloud / Weises Kamel / Wise Camel in E major
- Splaseny kun / Durchgehendes Pferd / Runaway Horse in C-sharp minor
- Vesnická slavnost / Dorffest / Village Feast in A-flat major
- Sbohem navzdy / Auf Nimmerwiedersehen / Goodbye Forever in F minor
- Rybicka v akváriu / Aquariumfisch / Aquarium Fish in B major
- Smutny motyl / Trauriger Schmetterling / Sad Butterfly in G-sharp minor
- Zamilovany klaun / Verliebter Clown / Love-struck Clown in D-flat major
- Stary príbeh / Alte Geschichte / Old Story in B-flat minor
- První detské krucky / Erste Kinderschritte / Baby Walking in F-sharp major
- Spící medved / Schlafender Bär / Sleeping Bear in D-sharp minor
- Hravé kot'átko / Verspieltes Kätzchen / Frisky Kitten in G-flat major
- Ukolébavka / Wiegenlied / Lullaby in E-flat minor
- Hon na lisku / Fuchsjagd / Fox Hunting in C-sharp major
- Koktavy datel / Stotternder Specht / Stammering Woodpecker in A-sharp minor
- Melodie / Melodie / Melody in C-flat major
- Hladovy ohen / Hungriges Feuer / Hungry Fire in A-flat minor
Publisher: | Bärenreiter |
Composer/Author: | Metelka, Jakub |
Catalog Number: | BA11559 |