Merry Christmas - Easy String Quartet

Catalog: BA10652

Price: $18.86

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Christmas is a joyful time: presents under the tree, seeing friends and relatives, the wonderful smell of cookies and much more. Christmas is also a time for making music. Song and sound play an important role in creating a Christmas atmosphere.

Every land and region has its favorite Christmas carols. These are usually played though, for the most part, in the country from which they originate. It is always nice to get to know songs of other places. In this way, we can experience the atmosphere of Christmas as celebratet in other regions.

With this edition we invite you to play more music and experience even more the Christmas season.

Sample Pages
Publisher: Bärenreiter
Composer/Author: Speckert, George
Arranger/Editor: Speckert, George A.
Catalog Number: BA10652
Pages: 16
