String Quartet in B-flat Major, Op. 130 (Set of Parts)

Catalog: BA9030

Price: $22.95

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Although Beethoven did not live to see the publication of his String Quartets op. 130 and op. 133, he oversaw the production process, making corrections and putting the works into their final form. The String Quartet op. 130 is the longest piece within Beethoven’s extensive chamber music oeuvre. Originally, the Große Fuge was meant to be the final movement of op. 130. Beethoven’s conversation books document the separation of the Große Fuge from op. 130, its replacement by a new finale and its assignment to a new opus number op. 133.

Parts only. Score available separately.

Sample Pages
Publisher: Bärenreiter
Composer/Author: Beethoven, Ludwig van
Arranger/Editor: Del Mar, Jonathan
Catalog Number: BA9030
