KidsPlay 20 Note Chromatic Handbell Set

Catalog: RB118EX

Price: $110.95

Expected to Ship in 1-3 Weeks

This item is not in stock. You may order it in any quantity and we will send it as soon as it arrives from the publisher or manufacturer. Backorders average 1-3 weeks, but may take longer for imports, items from small companies, and temporarily unavailable items.


This set features 20 quality KidsPlay bells ranging from A3 to E5, allowing you to play a good variety of songs including all of the songs in our 8 note and 13 note books, as well as many more songs of your choosing. The bell section is made of metal for a nice clear tone.

View additional Handbell Demonstration Videos.

Model: RB118EX
Manufacturer: Groth Music

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